Dr. John B. Avard, Chiropractor                                        

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Dr. John B. Avard, Chiropractor



We offer a full range of custom podiatric/chiropractic orthotics (Spinal Pelvic Stabilizers®) from Foot Levelers™, Inc. 

Each of these orthotics are custom designed by skilled laboratory technicians from three-dimensional impressions made of the foot in a weight-bearing position. 



Each of these products are priced separately, depending on the individual needs of the patient.  Dr. Avard would be happy to discuss your particular needs and recommendations to help you decide what orthotics would be best for you.

Because of the personal nature of custom orthotics, their sale is restricted to those who are able to visit my office personally for evaluation and fitting.


Specialty/Orthopedic Pillows

Patients with certain types of spinal problems benefit from wearing custom shoe inserts, or stabilizers.  These devices stabilize the foundation of the pelvis and spine, reducing abnormal forces and stresses, while enhancing structural and functional relationships.  When necessary, this office provides custom-fitted, flexible stabilizers as an important adjunct to effective chiropractic care.


  • Shoe inserts are available in a wide variety of styles for individual needs and activity levels.
  • Specialty orthotics are available for several lifestyles including:  ParFlex® for golfers, FirmFlex Plus® with Zorbacel® heel pads to fight excessive shock, ProLite Plus® for running enthusiasts, WalkLite Plus® for healthy walkers, Magnathotics® combining custom orthotics with magnetic therapy, and more.
  • Complete line of custom orthotic sandals.  The entire sandal is custom designed for optimum fit, balance and support.  Available in a variety of styles and colors.
  • Shoethotics® take custom orthotics to the next level.  These  are comfortable, cross-training shoes with the custom orthotics built in.